Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rare 16th and 17th Century Prints at Sand Point June 6

Mocetto, Girolamo (c. 1470–1531)
Judith with the Head of Holofernes

Italian artist of the Venetian School. His works reflect the influence of Andrea Mantegna and Giovanni Bellini. He worked in a series of media: engravings (like his Calumny of Apelles about 1500, after Mantegna), oil paintings (for example, The Massacre of the Innocents about 1500, National Gallery, London), and – in a medium closer to that of his family background of glass painting – stained glass (for SS Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, about 1515).

The date of the earliest known niello proof upon paper is 1452. The work of the Florentine engravers, however, was almost at once surpassed in Venice and elsewhere in North Italy by Andrea Mantegna, Girolamo Mocetto, Giovanni Batista del Porto, and others. In Marc Antonio Raimondi, who wrought under the guidance of Raphael, and reproduced many of his works, the art reached its highest point of the earlier period, and Rome became the centre of a new school, which included Marco da Ravenna, Giulio Bonasone, and Agostino de Musis.

Girolamo Mocetto was a reproductive engraver who made prints after compositions by Mantegna, but also by the Venetian painters Jacopo Bellini, Giovanni Bellini, and other artists working in the late 15th and early 16th centuries in Venice.

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