Friday, January 21, 2011

11 Reasons People Flock to the Flea Market

11 Reasons People Flock to the Flea Market

1.     Flea markets are popular places. All you have to do is to try and find a parking place in order to discover how true that is. So what is it that attracts such big crowds to these lines of tables? There are several reasons people flock to the flea market. We’ll look at ten of those reasons.
2.     Bargain shoppers. This is generally the main reason people will five for going to flea markets. They are looking for bargains. That is the big selling point of flea markets. They’re similar to a giant garage sale with all the items organized on different tables. Some of the vendors are selling new items but many of them are selling used items in good condition.

3.     Variety. You never know what you’ll find at a flea market but you can be guaranteed that the products will cover a wide spectrum. You’ll usually find clothes, housewares, décor items, tools, toys, books, antiques and crafts. A whole mini-mall made up of vendor tables. What is found on those tables one week will be totally different than what you might find another week. So the variety that exists is also always changing.

4.     Collectables. Collectors of all types of items will be found roaming through flea markets. They’re looking for rare pieces and parts that can’t be found anywhere else. For auto enthusiasts it may be a hood ornament or another original piece for their current restoration project. Dinnerware collectors are looking pieces to finish out their sets. Art collectors are looking for that rare piece of pottery or a painting of great value that has yet to be discovered.

5.     Antique lovers. Flea markets are a great place to find antique items. Antiquers are often found wandering through flea markets looking for items. Smaller pieces of furniture, hand tools, dolls, toys and dinnerware are common antique items that can be found at flea markets. The prices are also usually much less than what you’d pay at an antique store.

6.     Bartering. Flea markets are one of the few places where you sometimes negotiate a trade with the vendors. You might have something that the vendor would be interested in taking in trade for one or more of his items. There are many stores where you can do that but it still happens at the flea market.

7.     Negotiable prices. In other countries it is common to negotiate the prices of items rather than paying the price marked on an item. That isn’t done in most shops in the United States though. If the price tag says $25.00, then that is what you will have to pay. The cashier generally has no authority to lower the price for you. That is not the case at a flea market. Vendors at these markets are accustomed to people offering to pay a lower price than what is marked on items. Flea market shoppers who are comfortable with dickering on a price can come away with some great deals.

8.     Socializing. Some people who attend flea markets enjoy the people as much or more than the shopping. Most vendors are friendly people who enjoy talking about their wares and plenty of other topics as well. There’s usually food vendors at the flea market as well. Food lines, of course, become the natural congregating spot where those attending the flea market can chat about what they’ve found or what they’re looking for.

9.     Curiosity. Sometimes people go to flea markets just to see what’s there. Since the vendors may change from week to week and the wares being sold can also change, it can be interesting just to wander through your local flea market on a regular basis just to see what’s new.

10.    People watching. Flea markets are great places for people watching. You will see such an assortment of characters at a flea market. Some of the characters will be behind the tables, working as vendors, and others will potential customers. You might see wealthy penny pinchers driving up in their Cadillacs or a homeless guy on his bicycle looking for a cheap pair of boots.

11.    Handmade crafts. Crafters of many types are common vendors at flea markets. Handmade pine furniture, handcrafted jewelry of many varieties, one of a kind clothing items and many other items can be found peddling their wares. Often times you’ll also find the crafters working on new pieces while they tend their booth. That can be a great opportunity to see how things are made.
There are plenty of reasons that crowds of people flock to flea markets week after week. Usually people go for a combination of the reasons listed above.

From Sheryl Owen

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"I Can't Believe It's a Flea Market."

"I Can't Believe It's a Flea Market."
When flea markets first started in Paris, "rag men" or "moonlight fishermen" as they were more poetically called, traveled the city at night, searching through the rubbish for items that they would then resell at the local market.

Unlike traditional flea markets, the brand new Sand Point Flea Market doesn't take place out-of-doors, it's held in the beautiful, historic Workshop in Hanger 30, at the Warren G. Magnuson Park -- a glorious room with leaded glass windows. (The hanger was once the storage place for World War II fighter planes.)

The park itself is one of Seattle's cultural hubs, located right on the water. And though it is a flea market, you won't find produce, cast-away clothing and items that were more than likely once consigned to the "circular bin." But you will find bargains. And much, much more (one-of-a-kind treasures sure to be snapped up by designers with a flair for the unique and the outrageous).

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sand Point Antique Flea Market 2011

Warren G. Magnuson Park Hangar 30 Workshop
7400 Sand Point Way, Seattle 98115

Our first Antique Flea Market is:

Saturday, Jan 15, & Sunday, Jan 16, 2011


#1 & 2 - 5 X 17 ft, #3, 4 & 5 - 10 X 15 ft, #6 About 9 x 9 ft, #7 about 6 x 8 ft, # 8 - 21 10w x 8ft deep, #22 - 26 10 x 7.5 ft, #27-30 9 x 9 ft. Table spaces are about 6 x 8 ft.

#1 & 2 about 85 sf., #3, 4 & 5 150 sf., #6 144 sf., #7 48 sf., #8 - 21 80 sf., #22 - 26 75 sf., #27 - 30 81 sf.

Most booths are 10 x 8' for $50 a day, three booths are 10 x 15 for $75 a day and 3 booths which only has room for 1 6' table at $25 a day. Finally we have one booth which is 12' x 12' for $100 a day.

First come first served. You may set up of one day or two days. Below are our confirmed dates with some variations from our last mailings.

Table booths are about 6 ft d x 8 ft w

Each booth has about 80 sq. ft. at .65c a square foot. While the booth sizes are a little small we needed to have 30 booths for this to work out for us.

Saturday, Jan 15,2 011 & Sunday, Jan 16, 2011;

Sunday, Jan 23, 2011;

Saturday, Feb 5, 2011 & Sunday, Feb 6, 2011;

Saturday, Feb 19, 2011 & Sunday, Feb 20, 2011;

Saturday, Feb 26, 2011 & Sunday, Feb 27, 2011;

Sunday, Mar 13, 2011;

Sunday, Apr 10, 2011;

Saturday, May 7, 2011 & Sunday, May 8, 2011;

Saturday, May 21, 2011;

Sunday, Jun 5, 2011;

Sunday, Jun 12, 2011;

Saturday, Jun 18, 2011 & Sunday, Jun 19, 2011;

Saturday, Jun 25, 2011 & Sunday, Jun 26,2011,

Saturday, Jul 16, 2011; Sunday, Jul 17, 2011;

Saturday, Jul 23, 2011 & Sunday, Jul 24, 2011;

Saturday, Jul 30, 2011; Sunday, Jul 31, 2011;

Sunday, Aug 7, 2011;

Sunday, Aug 14, 2011;

Saturday, Aug 20, 2011 & Sunday, Aug 21, 2011;

Saturday, Aug 27, 2011 & Sunday, Aug 28, 2011;

Sunday, Sep 11, 2011;

Sunday, Sep 18, 2011;

Sunday, Oct 2, 2011;

Sunday, Oct 9, 2011;

Sunday, Oct 16, 2011;

Sunday, Oct 23,2011,

Saturday, Nov 5, 2011; Sunday, Nov 6, 2011;

Sunday, Nov 20, 2011;

Saturday, Nov 26, 2011 & Sunday, Nov 27, 2011;

Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 & Sunday, Dec 4, 2011;

Sunday, Dec 11, 2011; Saturday,

Dec 17, 2011 & Sunday, Dec 18, 2011;

Saturday, Dec 31, 2011.

We will love to see your there.




I can’t believe it’s a flea! That’s right! Seattle’s newest flea market is so unlike any other that this is the comment visitors are more than likely to make upon discovering this unique gem of a shopping experience. Opening Jan 15 & 16th for its first big weekend, the Sand Point Flea Market is that rare find – a small, convenient, top quality antique venue that presents the best of the best in a quaint, warm and intimate environment that will have shoppers coming back for more.

“It’s a flea market and it’s not a flea,” explains show founder, Dennis Eros, well-inown throughout the Seattle area for his Antique & Design shows at Sand Point’s historic Walter Magnuson Park.” In one sense, it represents the best of the flea market concept – low rents for the exhibitors, affordable prices for the consumer. At the same time, the Sand Point Flea Market has the same high quality merchandise that you would find at traditional antique venues.
“It was high time that Seattle had a regular antiques and collectibles flea market that would present top quality merchandise at prices that were more accessible to the public in these difficult economic times.. And, that is the strength of the Sand Point Flea Market. The two-day market will features over 27 select vendors well-known throughout the area for their eclectic mix of fine antiques at affordable prices. “We are very excited to be exhibiting at this new space,” comments Kathy Bartok, who has been a regular exhibitor at Eros shows for the past ten years.

“”The new flea market is located in a very special space that is rich in history—the Workshop in Hanger 30, where fighter planes were once stored during World War II. The windows are leaded glass, the sun pours in from the East and the park itself is rich in history – the site of an old naval base during World War II,” notes Bartok. “What could be more appropriate for an antiques shopping experience than a part that is rich in history!”

Though it is a flea market, you won’t find produce, cast-away clothing and items that were more than likely once consigned to the “circular bin.” Flea market in name only, the Sand Point Flea Market is true to the flea market spirit in that shoppers will find any number of bargains, but they will also discover much more – fine art pottery, mid-century furniture, vintage toys, architectural artifacts, garden antiques, beautiful glassware, vintage jewelry. “If a venue is billed as an antiques show, items may be doubled in price,” comments Bartok. “Not, so at a flea market. There is more latitude in terms of price.”

What is likely to sell well at the new show? Architectural artifacts, mid-century furnishings and decorative items, and also the “odd-ball” find. Bartok sold an old military teaching globe at a recent show and is on the look out for other unusual items to bring to the new event. Vintage jewelry is also popular these days as is painted furniture – a Bartok specialty. “The new show is a place where you can find wonderful home decorating items – fun drapes, nice chairs, an unusual chaise lounge, great lighting!

The two-day event opens with an Early Bird Special. For $10 admission, you can beat the public to the buying by shopping the show an hour earlier. Regular admission is $5.

The Hangar 30 Workshop is located in the Warren G. Magnuson park, 7400 Sand Point Way. The flea market will be held at various times throughout each month. Upcoming dates will be posted on shortly.